Tribute to Miklós Bethlen (1642 – 1716)
Tribute to Miklós Bethlen (1642 – 1716) (31)
Sources, Genres, and Scribal Habits of Early Modern Prison LiteratureConference
Session VIII. (2)Session VII. (5)
Session VI. (3)
Session V. (3)
Session IV. (4)
Session III. (2)
Session II. (6)
Inaugural Session (6)

A felvilágosodás előzményei Erdélyben és

Köleséri Sámuel és az európai korai felvilágosodás


Networks of Resistance

The Significance of Miklós Bethlen’s Political

Early Modern Prison and Literature

The Klaniczay Prize Award Ceremony
Sándor Bene 9 years ago - 16:36

The Klaniczay Prize Award Ceremony

A Theology of Comfort

Exiles of Christ

Music, Persecution and the Freedom of the Soul