Crossing Borders
Crossing Borders (11)
International Conference to Commemorate the 350th Anniversary of the Death of Miklós ZrínyiConference
Panel 7. The World of The Syren of the Adriatic Sea (6)Panel 6. Poetry and Prose: Historico-Ideological Contexts (3)
Panel 2. Tendencies in Research and Reception (1)
Panel 1. Paragigms (1)

Miklós Zrínyi in 20th Century Art

Zrínyi's Prose and the Rethorics of Cliches

Túlvilágjárás a Syrena-kötetben

Fictional Elements in The Peril of Sziget

tropes, Sources and Structural Elements in The

Miklós Zrínyi and a New Stage in the Developement

On the Context of Zrínyi Miklós's Epigrams on

Zrínyi Miklós and Maffeo Barberini's Poetry

"God of Warriors, You Are Hanging on the Cross"

Zrínyi's and Faludi's Crocifix Hymns