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Hungarian literature

Az Eötvös Könyvtár és az Intézeti Archívum

Veronika Markó 8 years ago - 6:57

„Komplimente … welche eben keine vorteilhaften

Elisabeth Klecker 8 years ago - 34:08

Ovidius est magister vitae (et litterarum)

Réka Lengyel 8 years ago - 31:10

Adaptation of Classical Models and Making a

Árpád Csonki 8 years ago - 23:27

Virgil’ Eclogues and the Poetry of Gedeon Ráday

Tibor Márk Bányai 8 years ago - 26:35

János Arany and Virgil

László Szörényi 8 years ago - 21:17

„Skytischer Horaz”

Etelka Doncsecz 8 years ago - 19:06

Horatian Influence in Petőfi’s Poetry

Dávid Gábor 8 years ago - 18:41

Imitation of Virgil’s and Ovid’s Heroine Themes

Rumen István Csörsz
Mária Hovánszki
8 years ago - 26:30

Classical Models in the Poetry of György Aranka

József Kerti 8 years ago - 26:55

Ovid in the 18th-Century Historiography

Levente Pap 8 years ago - 13:52

The Horation Ode for the Documentation of Military

Sándor Attila Tóth 8 years ago - 24:05